SeedSpark Growth

Reimagine Growth & Elevate Your Business to New Heights

Reimagine Growth & Elevate Your Business to New Heights

Unlock unprecedented success, transcend traditional business, and achieve exponential growth.
Be the next success story today.

Discover how we seed innovation and growth

Spark unconventional business outcomes

Achieve exponential growth and success

We Grow Entrepreneurs
That Grow Companies

Our services are designed to meet you where you are and get you to where you want to be. We offer coaching, growth consulting and partnerships for entrepreneurs that are tired of the conventional outcomes from conventional thinking.

About Us

We are empowering entrepreneurs towards global, meaningful impact.


Employing innovative methods for unique business growth avenues.

Awards & Recognition for SeedSpark

Inc 500 number 7 for IT Management
Our Services

Dedicated to helping our Growth Partners Grow

Growth Partnerships

SeedSpark Growth Partnerships fosters collaborations that achieve exponential growth together.

Growth Academy

Unlock unconventional thinking through programs designed precisely for trailblazers like you.


A collaborative community empowering business owners through education and collaboration.

Listen To Our Latest Podcasts

Business Choreography

Unlocking Entrepreneurial Excellence

In this episode, Chad delves into the essence of finding your passion and energy to create value, emphasizing the art of collaboration. Gain insights into the “Who Not How” concept, the significance of focusing on your unique abilities, and fostering exponential growth without succumbing to the hamster wheel.

Into the Corner Office

Powerhouse Middle Market CEOs Telling it Real

WE delve into the essence of finding your passion and energy to create value, emphasizing the art of collaboration. With his framework, Chad collaborates with industry leaders to identify and capitalize on growth opportunities, overcome barriers, and create formidable competitive advantages.

About Chad T. Jenkins

Connecting the dots for 10x Growth in Your Business

Chad’s innate understanding of business dynamics has enabled him to pinpoint unseen opportunities in traditional methods, leading to transformative growth strategies

Just Add a Zero

If you had the ability to add a zero to any area of your life, where would you place it?

Are you ready to abandon conventional thinking and experience exponential growth? Get ready to live your most authentic life, find true happiness, and have it all – today.

Our Blog

  • Building a Resilient Business: Strategies for Navigating Economic Uncertainty

    In today's rapidly changing economic landscape, building a resilient business is more important than ever. With uncertainties like market fluctuations, political instability, and global events impacting economies worldwide, it's essential for businesses to develop strategies.

  • Man on tablet
    Harnessing Data for Business Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Data-Driven Decision-Making

    The role of data in shaping business strategies cannot be overstated. Harnessing data for business success is essential for entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking to leverage data-driven decision-making for competitive advantage.

  • Woman writing on whiteboard
    Top Business Trends of 2024: Strategies for Growth and Success

    As we embark on 2024, the business environment continues to evolve with rapid technological advancements, shifting economic landscapes, and ever-changing consumer behaviors. For businesses aiming to stay at the forefront, recognizing and capitalizing on these trends is crucial.

Contact Us Today

Transform your entrepreneurial journey today.

Transform your entrepreneurial journey today.

Our team is here to explore innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Connect with us now to kickstart a conversation about our growth innovation services. Let’s elevate your business to new heights!

Our Network of Growth Innovators

Prismo Marketing